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Reading with your child advice

Reading with children in Early Years (Kynsa Class)

Before reading the book:

  • Can you point to the title? or What is this? (pointing to the title)
  • What do you think this book will be about?
  • Is it a story (fiction) or information (non-fiction) book? How do you know?

During the reading of the book:

  • What is happening here?
  • What is ______ doing?
  • What might happen next?
  • How do you think the story might end?
  • Is ______ friendly/ fierce/ kind…?
  • What does ______ mean? (To check understanding of a word)
  • Point at the word that says­­­­ ________ (To check recognition of words)
At the end of the book:

  • Did you like this book? Why?
  • What was your favourite part? Why?
  • Which character did you like the best? Why?
  • What did you find out? (Non-fiction)
  • Why did that character do … (give a situation/ event from the story)?
  • What happened in the story? Can you tell it to me again?
  • Can you find the word/ sentence that says_____?
  • Is this book like any other story you know?
  • What sort of book would you like to read next?
Reading with children in KS1 (Nessa Class)

Before reading the book:

  • Can you point to the title? or What is this? (pointing to the title)
  • What is the name of the author/ illustrator?
  • What do you think this book will be about?
  • Is it fiction or non-fiction? How do you know?
  • What kind of features does the text have (non-fiction), e.g. contents page, index.
  • What might happen in the story?
  • What do we call the writing on the back of the book? (Blurb) or What does the blurb tell us?
During the reading of the book:


  • What is happening in the text/pictures?
  • What has happened so far? Is it what you expected to happen?
  • What might happen next? How do you think the story might end?
  • What sort of character is….?
  • Find a word/sentence that tells you what kind of character they are/ how the character is feeling?
  • Does the book remind you of any other stories?
  • Can you find the word that says…?
  • Why do you think (character) said…..?

  • Which page could you find information about…?
  • What does the word _____ mean?
  • How does this text look different from a story?
At the end of the book:

  • Did you like this book? Why? (Encourage children to develop their opinion about books by encouraging them to explain their reasons)
  • What was your favourite part? Why?
  • What was the most interesting/ exciting part of the book? Can you find it?
  • What sort of character was….?
  • Why did that character do … (give a situation/ event from the story)?
  • What happened in the story? Can you tell me the story in your own words?
  • What was the most interesting fact that you found out?
  • Who would you recommend this book to? Why do you think that they would like to read it?
Reading with children in KS2 (Teyr & Peswara Class)

Before reading the book:

  • What do you think this book will be about?
  • Is it fiction/non-fiction?
  • What genre will this story be? E.g. fantasy, comedy, horror.
  • What does the blurb tell us?
During the reading of the book:


  • What has happened so far? Is it what you expected to happen?
  • What might happen next?
  • How do you think the story might end?
  • Who is telling the story? How do you know?
  • Who is the character you like most/ least? Why?
  • Find 2 words/sentences, which describe the setting/character?
  • Can you think of a question that you would ask the author/ character?
  • Does this story remind you of any others?
  • How did one of the characters change in the story?
  • How do (insert small quote) these words make you feel about the text?

  • How has the book been organised? Which non-fiction features can you see? (Contents/index/ text boxes/photos)
  • Which parts of the text tell you that…?
  • Find and tell me the words/sentences that tell you (specific fact)…
  • Tell me three facts that you have found out.
At the end of the book:

  • Which part of the story is your favourite / least favourite? Why?
  • Would you change any part of the story? How?
  • Would you change any of the characters? How?
  • Which part of the story was the funniest, scariest, saddest, and happiest? Find some evidence in the text to support your opinion.
  • Would you like to read another book by this author? Why?
  • Does your opinion of this character change during the story? How? Why?
  • If you met one of the characters from the story, what would you say to him / her?
  • Why do you think the author used the word…?
  • Which word tells you that…?
  • What do you think ….means?
  • Who would you recommend this text to? Why?