Welcome to our INCREDIBLE school!

School Closure Information 2024 2025

Occasionally we have to make the difficult decision to close the school in the event of an emergency (e.g. snow, ice, flooding or water, heating or power failures).

The procedure for this happening is as follows:

  • We carry out a risk assessment based on the best available information we have. A decision to close is made by the Headteacher in consultation with the Chair of Governors.
  • We notify local radio stations (BBC Radio Cornwall, Pirate FM and Heart FM) and the County Council.
  • We send a text message to all parents who are on our mobile phone database and post a message on the news page of our website as well as the school Facebook page. Please be aware that extremely high traffic on text message and website servers can delay this process.
  • As the situation changes or develops, up to date information will be posted on the website, Facebook page and shared via the text message service.

We recognise that any decision to close the school significantly impacts upon parents and guardians. Our priority is always the safety of children, families and staff.
Parent & Carer guide