Welcome to our INCREDIBLE school!

Local Monitoring Committee (Governors) 2024-2025

Please find below details of how our Local Monitoring Committee is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor. The school's Local Monitoring Committee consists of people appointed by the TPAT Board, parents elected by parents of children attending the school and staff elected by other staff at the school. The appointed and elected members then meet to appoint members from the local community.

Chair of LMC: Dr Lucy Ellis

Vice Chair of LMC: Reverend Karsten Wedgewood

Clerk to LMC: Mrs Sharon Hopkins

All governors except ex. Officio governors (Headteacher ) hold office for four years. The governors meet once per half term.

Health and Safety : Mr Mike Simpson
Safeguarding : Dr Lucy Ellis
Whistleblowing : Mrs Marna Blundy

The governors also provide a Register of LMC Interests and their Annual Attendance for your information.

Governor Declaration of Pecuniary Interests
Governor Meeting Attendance

LMC BODY 2024 - 2025
Name Position on Board Membership Term of Office End Date
Dr Lucy Ellis Chair of LMC
Chair of Curriculum & Standards
Full LMC Meetings
Curriculum & Standards committee
Premises, Health & Safety committee
23/11/2020   23/11/2024
Ms Melanie Warnes Governor  Full LMC meetings  21/09/2022  21/09/2026
Mr Chris Summerfield Acting Headteacher Full LMC meetings  01/09/2024  n/a
Mrs Becky Curnow -Rasul Teacher Governor Full LMC Meetings    
Mr Mike Simpson Governor
Health & Safety Governor
Full LMC Meetings
Premises, Health & Safety Committee
 11/01/2018  11/01/2026
Mrs Michele Ward  Staff Governor Full LMC Meetings  12/2/25  
Dr Megan Oldcorn  Parent Governor Full LMC Meetings  21/09/2022  21/09/2026
Rev Karsten Wedgewood Vice Chair of LMC
Chair of Premises,
Health & Safety committee
Full LMC Meetings
Premises, Health & Safety committee
 20/01/2021  20/01/2025
Mrs Marna Blundy
Whistleblowing Governor
Full LMC Meetings  29/09/2021 29/09/2025 
Cheryl Toms  Parent Governor Full LMC Meetings
 12/2/25  12/2/29
Pendeen School is part of the Truro & Penwith Academy Trust.
Information about Governance of TPAT can be found at: https://truroandpenwithtrust.eschools.co.uk/web/governance/604797